When you trying to install Composer for Laravel in WAMP setup. You may getting a warning message for not enabling openssl in WAMP.
Step 1
1 Find the location and edit the file named: php.ini.
2 Uncomment the line extension=php_openssl.dll by removing the semicolon at the beginning.
3 Try again
Method 2
If above step could not solve your problem. You could install composer manually by following steps.
Step 1
- Modify “Path” System variable
- My Computer -> System Properties -> Advances system settings
- Copy PHP path from wamp “C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.8\;” and Past at last of Path variable.
- Do not add space before this line.
- Logoff user and login again.
- Download composer.phar
- Copy to desire directory i.e. C:\composer
- Create Batch file for composer as below.
- Open cmd
- Goto Composer directory
- Type as C:\composer>echo @php “%~dp0composer.phar” %*>composer.bat
- Modify “Path” System variable again
- My Computer -> System Properties -> Advances system settings
- Copy “C:\composer\;” and Past at last of Path variable.
- Do not add space before this line.
- Let’s check by typing command in cmd
- C:\composer -v
- Now its done.
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